Hi friends!!
Today I am going to share one of my article I wrote for our college magazine but unfortunately it was not published/ not selected for being published. Anyway enjoy reading it (I have modified it a little bit) and share your valuable comments:
A faded hoarding on my primary school said,
According to 2010 data from the United Nations Development Programme, an estimated 37.2% of Indians live below the country's national poverty line.
India is home to 400,000 - 800,000 street children. The Republic of India is the seventh largest and second most populous country in the world. Due to the acceleration in economic growth, an economic rift has appeared between, with 23 percent of the population living below the poverty line. Owing to unemployment, increasing rural-urban migration, attraction of city life and a lack of political will, India now has one of the largest number of child laborers in the world.

Today I am going to share one of my article I wrote for our college magazine but unfortunately it was not published/ not selected for being published. Anyway enjoy reading it (I have modified it a little bit) and share your valuable comments:
A faded hoarding on my primary school said,
"Learn & Go Out to Serve"!!
May be that hoarding was dull and remained dull for next five years before it flew away in a strong storm, but the words on them were very pleasant.
It is quite awkward in us that we learn so much in our primary school, we pledge, we pray, we take oath to serve our country when we will be grown up, but what happens when we are done with our studies. We forget those pledges & oaths.
A little bit of selfishness inside us become a flock of greediness to grab a big package and enjoy life. Every medium class family has experienced an upgrade in last decade, lifestyle has changed, a man rarely on scooter gifts his daughter a car, Small family celebrations has been taken over by big parties and a lot to mention...
But what about backward class* (Strictly Backward not just to name OBC). Many general category people are poorer than OBC and many under OBC are much richer than general category people. But who cares its all for vote bank. In our democracy once you choose government and rest of 5 years just watch those Hypocrites enjoying on your money. Anyway, Its Democracy, Enjoy Folks!!
In India constitution has divided castes as General, SC/ST and OBC, even a lot rising one by one. But does this mean anything. Believe me they think poverty can be abolished if they divide people in so many categories (LOL), keep on dividing... Cheer for our great leaders!! Ya! Those leaders who have past records of crime, such crimes that if you... ya you (the common man), if you ever commit these crimes your life will become hell and you will asked to survive that hell with gentle smile. But if our great leaders enjoy corruption, they murder people, they rape women, they are given tickets by political parties to stand and win elections... How shameful!!
Okay let me go back to division in Indian Survival System, so, if an OBC family has an annual income of 5 lacs then does this mean anything to keep them in backward classes, aren't their standards high now, should they enjoy the reservation even if they can teach their children with all facilities. (I am not pointing out a single family, its a general thing I am saying, people exist who are rich, even then enjoy OBC reservation. I am not saying abolish the reservation system, at least benefit them who need it). Anyways who am I to say in this country (Independent country). My constitution gives me Right to Speak, but my leaders have Right to Kill.
So Shhh... Peace!! :P
What about a general class family which resides in a poor state and head of family is pulling rickshaw/cleaning bus stand/sowing in others field/servant (and all other jobs that you call nasty or you will hate to do because you call your standard - a high standard) in other wealthier state to earn few more bucks to survive his family. If he has an annual income of hardly 10000. Don't they need help, or we should consider that their fate is worst, even government can't help them.
So according to me a backward class should be defined on their financial condition, not on their caste or creed.
Hypocrites don't count vote, count the people dying of hunger.
So about the Backward Class* (I defined above) I was saying that their children even don't know what exactly a school is meant for, they work in Dhabaas & Tea shops near some Govt. Office. Yes! That offices of government which mention that "Child labour is crime" and "Every child up to age of 14 must get free education".
Now about these problems we all know, we generally discuss these problems with friends at nights in hostel with strangers while in journey, with co-workers while in work. But did we ever think of taking a step for them, Nope!! Because we have leaders, we have voted them, they are in parliament to represent us, I gave my taxes... (... and they ate your taxes!! :D :D)
Mere discussing is not going to change anything...
How many of young professionals do ever think of becoming helping hand for needy people? Rarely 2-3% of annual pass-outs from all over India only think and 1-1.5% of them act (may be). Even they are stopped by proud corrupt people. Heard of 'Narendra Kumar' - The IPS officer in MP.
Read the News Article - "IPS officer crushed to death by mining mafia in Madhya Pradesh"
Read the News Article - "IPS officer crushed to death by mining mafia in Madhya Pradesh"
"You do GOOD! You Die"
So about our young professionals, they think "Why Should I"?
We blame everything on Government... Why do we feel so proud on such a government... Ya, the government I said about which has criminals as our leaders. We vote criminals and hope that they would help us, they rather believe in gulping our money!
In predicament you would love to say -
"This govt. is not doing fine, I won't vote for them next time, I would go for the other party"...
Wait Wait...!!
The other party is also contaminated. You have no choice.
Our democracy and constitution are most beautiful and well written but the people governing on them have ruined them drastically.
One thing I would like to share about young professionals, Mr. X, a guy from our hostel who has been placed in a reputed company shared his views on "Should we help fellow Indians to rise up if we are achieving heights?"
A point came where we were discussing shouldn't people from other states who are able to help should help needy people from poorer states, Mr. X said, "Why should we help them, there are people from those poorer states who are also skilled, they should look after their state." This means he forgot the pledge or any oath his used to take in morning assemblies during school time. Now he is more concerned about his own self. For him Helping others also need a criteria, poor person from his state only. I don't know how much is he correct in his statement. But poverty don't see the state, caste, creed or any other thing. Poverty is illness for whole country and we should come in front to eradicate this.
"Calling Them Bihari will upgrade our status, at least we are not Bihari"
Don't forget they are also a part of India and calling them Bihari/Bhaiya is not going to upgrade your status, it shows what your learnt in schools and what you are applying to society. They were beaten in Maharashtra due to large number of migration.
Is this the only solution to problem!! There may be more solutions if we think...
Martin Luther King said:
"Live Like Brothers or The Whole World will Perish"
To name a few achievements, Bihar has recorded highest GDP growth in Last FY and Nitish Kumar, Honorable CM of Bihar has been awarded best Chief Minister in country.
Think over all these statements you read above and act as well educated professionals. Help your countrymen, they need you!!
India is home to 400,000 - 800,000 street children. The Republic of India is the seventh largest and second most populous country in the world. Due to the acceleration in economic growth, an economic rift has appeared between, with 23 percent of the population living below the poverty line. Owing to unemployment, increasing rural-urban migration, attraction of city life and a lack of political will, India now has one of the largest number of child laborers in the world.
"Invest what you learnt in your education and Harvest a meaning full life"
Albert Einstein said:
"A Life lived for others is only worth living"
Lets help our countrymen! There are many ways!! Find one and do it...
This is all I wanted to convey. Thanks for Reading. :)