It has been a shameful season for India to see women being humiliated up to such extent. Our females are unsafe after dark. But this is not that it has just begun. People are rising now against it. Few months ago a 4-year old girl child was raped. It didn't hit the media, so our humanity was sleeping. Now the biggest disastrous crime of year has happened which has hit the mind of community through the nerves of media.

Behind this heinous crime few dumb people are using your seriousness to increase their popularity. One such Post I saw, it was written. If you want to see the rapists hang like this. LIKE this pic. What-d-hell!
1 Like = 10000000 slaps! Wow! Aren't you kidding with the situation. And people, my innocent Indians. Is this productive way to protest. Come out of house. No, why would you. Your father and mother would say why are you going, there are people to handle this. If you accept what they say, it okay. Sit. Calm Down and Just Pray.
Or you wanna revolt! Remember Saheed Bhagat Singh! and you know what to do! Now you might be thinking I am just sqwaking over here. What have I done?
I think. We have lost our moral values, which needs to be restored. Clothes and Food don't represent people, their behaviour do. Teach your brothers, uncles, and children on how to behave with females.
If look at long term, humanity is being lost in uncontrollable population, unemployment, lack of education, even educated school children are becoming such criminals. All these follows the root, poverty and education.and I am making my way through these. Further protests are being done by you people! Listener will listen through them! (Mind it. Facebooking won't help). For such crimes laws will be made. But being a common man, see through your street, how do guys behave with girls. Did you do something then? NO!, actually we just love to say. Saying that, those guys are bastards, they don't know how to behave!
Hey Dumb! We can see that too! Do something. Hit those scallywags. But you are already in so much darkness of fear why would you do that.
Stop waiting. Self defense is something. Start with those eve teasers and rapists will then have fear from your strength. Eve teasers are the future rapists in making. If we stop them and punish them. Why rapists would try a chance.
Media is using our emotions. Switch to any new channel and look at their advertisements. Following link will tell you a scenario there:
It is well written:
"हादसा एक दम नहीं होता,
वक़्त करता है परवरिश बरसों....!"