Since very long I had been in a thought of finding my mistakes that I am accused of in my professional life, yet it is to start but though I was at a strong position in a student group so I think there was little professionalism during my graduation period.
(Nothing to do with my personal life in this post)
I had many rights, they were used several times. Rules are for abiding.
The question is why am I writing this? It is just because I realized today when you have power you become blind. You just see what you want to see, things which are not important for you are most of the time overlooked. Repeatedly mistakes are committed but people under you either don't care or they are goofy enough to follow you blindly.
I simply disagree with anyone if they claim me to be dictator. I used to hear everyone but as said above people go blind with power. Even deaf too. So this happened with me too.
Finding my mates uninterested in their part of work, I had to interfere everywhere and slowly I started thinking like all responsibility is mine, work needs to be done, either my mates are going to put their hand or not. I find this to be a reason for why they started keeping their hands out. Even though three more reasons can be quoted here:
#1. Why to worry. He is here. All will be done.
#2. He is interfering too much. Let him do it alone.
#3. Why should I. I have many things to do.
I don't know the exact reason still, mind of people can't be read. But then came the time of decisions where many a times I was left to give my final answer, and I came with decisions which suited me best for the group. Even though the decisions taken were praised and accepted, but I think those decisions would have been better revised again. But again the point comes, either people with/under me were goofy or careless. Still I accept mistake was mine of making fast conclusions.
(For inquisitive people- particularly I am speaking about my year 2011. Because 2012 is quite good with my decisions.)
Ratiocination was not good in proportion with power.
I just want to convey to the readers that if you have power, please use carefully. Many of your decisions affect others who are powerless.
If people with/under you are not interested, take more time but come up with a best end point.
I don't regret for any of my decisions because they were good according to the time, I am happy that I came with this idea of revising myself where i had fallen wrong, it is going to help me in future judgments.
With Power, Don't go Blind & Deaf. Play carefully.

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