Yesterday I came across a poem from "Psalm". As in Oxford Dictionary:- Psalm Means a song, poem or prayer that praises God, especially one in the Bible.
Actually the Book of Psalms commonly referred to simply as Psalms, is a book of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Bible. Taken together, its 150 poems "express virtually the full range of Israel's religious faith. I think it is quite heart touching poem, which must be shared, it gave me relief from internal disturbances going in my mind.
Here Continues the Poem:
In Thee, O Lord, I put my trust;
Shamed let me never be;
O save me in Thy righteousness,
Give ear, and rescue me.
Be Thou my rock, my dwelling place,
Forever mine, as now;
Salvation Thou hast willed for me,
My rock and fortress, Thou.

Save me from men unjust,
For Thou, Jehovah, art my hope,
From youth Thou art my trust.
Thou hast upheld me in Thy grace,
From childhood’s early days;
To Thee from whom I life received
Will I give constant praise.
Though troubles great o’ershadow me,
Thou art my refuge strong,
My mouth shall praise Thee all the day,
Thine honor be my song.
Cast me not off when hoary age
Becomes my weary lot,
And in the days of failing strength
Do Thou forsake me not.
My foes are strong and confident
For I to them appear
As one forsaken by his God,
With none to help me near.
My God, be Thou not far from me,
Make haste to hear my call;
Ashamed, consumed be all my foes,
Dishonored let them fall.
But I will ever hope in Thee,
My ceaseless praise is Thine;
I will declare Thy countless deeds
Of truth and grace divine.
Yea, I will tell the mighty acts
Performed by God the Lord;
Thy righteousness and Thine alone,
With praise I will record.
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Thanks!! :) Keep Smiling, May God Bless U!!
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