Human beings are blessed with five basic senses we all know, we use them throughout our life. There are many other senses which have been gifted to us but they need to be discovered inside. Those basic senses we learnt in primary classes are just those which we can observe as macroscopic in our life because we spend most of time enjoying our materialistic life. Another view of life that is spiritualistic remains further unopened for many who never realize their presence and purpose in this universe. The Self-Realization techniques people perform are the methods of discovering spiritualistic view of life. But the fun still remains packed if the realization is not used practically. Spirituality tells us how we are connected to the deity, how we don’t own this materialistic body, how we all have limited time within a structure of flesh and bones, how soul differentiates from body, and the most important why we are here! Many religious holy books speak of this, but all in their own way. Deity is one, represented in many ways. All the ways lead to a single point.
Feeling the spiritual view is more valuable than reading/speaking/listening it. It all comes through dedication. Most of the time it happens that we say we are practising self-realization, but is it of any use if we can’t control our anger, sorrow and other negative imaginations. It is of what use if we end up hurting other souls around us. If someone truly realizes one’s spiritualistic presence, then their soul controls their body not the vice-versa. This all comes from the Sense of Altruism. An altruistic person works enthusiastically for anything and everything. Altruism is achieved to them who regard themselves as a worker of deity assigned various tasks to be performed on earth. They work selflessly towards others and they keep on opening new ways for themselves and community in productive manner.
Altruism is what we can learn from animals too. Altruism is a well-documented animal behaviour, which appears most obviously in kin relationships but may also be evident amongst wider social groups, in which an animal sacrifices its own well-being for the benefit of another animal. Whatever we do, it must have a sense of altruism for the task to be successful. A selfish thought always suffer flaws and we are trapped in our own thoughts very badly. Practising altruism is not so tough, it can be achieved in a very easy way, just for an example next time you regret for not having something, think back in time of a scene when a women wearing a torn cloth, bearing a 1 year child came to you for few pennies. Remember her eyes! If you had never noticed them do it next time for sure. You will realize for sure that whatever you have is much more than you need. If all human beings start working with this sense of altruism, the differences will be erased same as in animal kingdom. Then work towards community welfare in any good way you find. In this way you can sow altruism inside self.
‘Knowledge is a veritable treasure for man, source of glory, bounty, joy, exaltation, cheer.’ So, everyone should implement knowledge for working towards community, a little above the self-line, where we can find selfless working. Through this way one can achieve ‘The Sense of Altruism’. Making others happy is the best gratitude to deity for this valuable life.
(Printed in Alfaaz 5th Edition)
(Printed in Alfaaz 5th Edition)